Runestake Affiliate System Breakdown

Runestake Affiliate System Breakdown

Welcome to, where we take pride in offering one of the most lucrative affiliate systems in the gaming world. With our affiliate program, you have the opportunity to earn substantial amounts of Runestake Tokens simply by referring your friends to our website. It's a win-win situation for both you and your friends, and the best part? It's all about passive token-earning.

As an affiliate, you will earn money for every game that your referred friends play (win or lose). It's a win-win situation for both you and your friends.

So, how exactly does our affiliate system work? It's as simple as it gets. We provide a generous commission rate of 10% on the house edge for every token played by users you've referred. If you're an exceptional affiliate, you can even earn up to 20%. The potential for earnings is limitless.

Our Affiliate System Dashboard

Here's a straightforward example: Imagine your friend plays a game for 100 tokens on our exciting Slide game. With our affiliate system, you would earn approximately 1.07 tokens on that gameplay. What's great is that you earn this commission on every game played, regardless of whether your friends win or lose.

For those who like to crunch the numbers, here's the formula:

Play amount x House Edge x 80% x 10% = Your Profit
Example: 100 tokens x 0.667% x 0.80 x 0.10 = 0.5336 Tokens

It's a highly rewarding system, and if you leverage it to its fullest potential, you can accumulate a substantial amount of gold. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Join our affiliate program today and start reaping the rewards for every new user you introduce to the exciting world of Runestake. Let's embark on this gold-making journey together.