Release Notes: 11.16.2023

Release Notes: 11.16.2023

We're starting to detail our release notes so you can follow along with how we're improving Runestake throughout the years!

11.16.2023 Release Notes

  1. Triple Balance Update: We now have more than one token! Use Bonus and Fun cash to unlock even more rewards throughout the site. Access the new balances through your balance dropdown, next to your wallet. Learn more here.
  2. Bonus Cash Token: Bonus cash allows you to use purchase bonuses, get more affiliate bonuses, and more. Hit XP requirements to convert it to Sweeps cash.
  3. Fun Cash Token: Use Fun Cash to play any of our games for free! You'll claim fun cash alongside your Sweeps cash winnings.
  4. New Sounds: Updated sounds for all features across the site. Sit back and bask in that OSRS nostalgia while you play each game.
  5. Volume Settings: You now have the ability to adjust site volume depending on your preference.
  6. FIX: Fixed H-Captcha issues when logging in during 2FA.